What I Believe:

My top priority as the future Sheriff of Dallas County is to improve our community's safety and quality of life. To achieve this, we must focus on effective inmate rehabilitation programs that offer education and job opportunities. These programs will reduce repeat offenses and foster positive change in our community. This approach is humane and a wise investment in our county's well-being. Enabling inmates with education, vocational training, and employment opportunities empowers them to contribute to our community. Investing in rehabilitation programs for inmates is a critical step towards creating a safer and more resilient Dallas County.

What I Will do:

I understand the importance of inmate and rehabilitation programs, and I am committed to bringing effective changes to the Sheriff's Department that promote public safety and reduce recidivism rates. I aim to expand educational and work opportunities for inmates, partnering with community organizations to provide tailored support systems for individual inmate needs. I will focus on accountability, measurable results, and data-driven approaches to ensure that these programs continuously improve, ultimately breaking the cycle of crime and creating a safer Dallas County. Rest assured that I am fully dedicated to promoting inmate programs that will lead to a brighter future for everyone. You can trust in my unwavering commitment to this cause and have complete confidence in my abilities to make a positive impact.